Our Team


Alicia (pronounced a-lee-thea)

Alicia can be found at Richmond Foodies most Saturdays, or shopping at Ruislip DP whenever it’s open!

She uses her teacher skills to wrangle the stallholders, educates on environmental issues, loves an ethics debate, and dreams of equality for all… she’s the kindest person you’ll meet and will always help a friend in need. In fact, when once asked to work at Duck Pond, she thought she was actually just helping out as a favour!

With 3 kids, she’s the epitome of ‘if you want something done, ask a busy woman’. Honestly—ask her! Recently qualified as a forest school teacher, she’s the woman to have by your side for wild-swimming, fire-starting and den-building.

Favourite market food: Bliss Brownies orange bomb, B-elicious savoury crepes and Rana’s macarons (oh and Christian’s slightly delicious olives)!

Absolutely committed to a fancy dress funeral, and if (and she’s not imagining it will happen but IF) she got married again it would be in a forest to Taboo's Angry Walker

Animals: Doctor Legg, the Poochon



Amy has been a duckie trader since 2014 and has recently joined the team as a market manager.

When she’s not busy sewing felt name banners and mobiles for her stall, she’s often on holiday, preferably somewhere either really hot, or with mountains of snow.

Amy rarely sits still and always has to be busy doing something.

Favourite market food: Amy would eat Little Pudding’s doughnuts for breakfast, lunch and dinner if she could!

Funeral song: Good Grief by Bastille, as she would want everyone to laugh!



Annabell has a background in psychology and her day job is working for a charity supporting young adults with learning difficulties. 

She loves nothing more than the buzz of the market, enjoys walking around and checking in on traders and interacting with members of the public to encourage their next local produce fix. She brings a real joy to everything she does—her smile is the warmest!

Favourite market food: all the cheeses that heritage has to offer, a pastry from Hush Hush and any of the donuts from Little Pudding. Watching her choose what to eat is an activity in itself!

Funeral song is undecided but definitely would like everyone to wear white and have an Indian style ´holi’ colour throwing ceremony to celebrate life.



Caron is the founder and heart of Duck Pond, having launched it in 2008. She’s vegetarian (likes butter too much to be vegan) loves being outdoors, treasure hunting at markets, car boots and Swedish vintage barn sales, can’t walk past a skip without taking a peek for things to rescue, reads constantly and has 2 wild children who are growing up at the markets as big foodies . In summer she paddle boards and wild swims as much as she can and in winter she likes to make plans for the summer from under a blanket on the sofa draped in fairy lights and chocolate, occasionally venturing out for theatre, talks, movies and markets. She loves bringing people together, be it parties, gatherings, picnics or markets, can’t live without fresh flowers in the house… and has the BEST JOB IN THE WORLD.

Fave market food: pandan coconut doughnuts from Little Pudding, spring salad wraps from Asili Life and You Bao noodles…. but so many more!

Funeral song: Calling Occupants from Interplanetary Craft. Or perhaps Saltwater, Julian Lennon… can’t decide…

Animals: Purdy Purdy Soft Paws. Wolfie Pook. Kitten Ray Charles

Proud of her secret phone number she is usually track-downable at Ruislip, Chiswick and Highgate market days…



Lucy started working as a market manager for Duck Pond in 2017 managing Ruislip Foodies, Richmond and Kensal Green.

Proud mama to Lilah and Niyah, both smily and sleepless!

Never let her age or size fool you, she is a powerhouse woman with a number of successful side hustles, and ant-like abilities in the gym.

A nanny one minute, then vintage boutique queen, then professional baker the next, she is a whirlwind of activity leaving composed order in her wake.

Favourite market food: Voodoo Chicken followed by Killa Waffles

Funeral song: Adele Hello

Animals: Dexter the dog




Come and meet us, talk to us soon about joining Duck Pond as a trader, ask questions about local areas, our ethos and values, and stroke our dogs. We all love a chat!

love, the Duckies x